Welcome to Guiding Hands

We know the journey to medical school is tough

We’re here to help

Who are we?

Sceptre Ganasi, MS1

Outreach Coordinator of Guiding Hands

Hi everyone, my name is Sceptre and I’m an MS1 at UCI School of Medicine!

Guiding Hands at UCI SOM gives me the opportunity to offer others the same support that I was grateful to have as a premed student. I would not have made it this far without the help of my mentors. Now that I am in medical school, my goal is to help create a welcoming environment for the UCI premed community and offer support and guidance for students pursuing a career in medicine. In my free time, you can catch me hiking, lifting weights, watching tv, and playing the piano! 


Kellie Cho, MS1

Co-President of Guiding Hands

Hello! My name is Kellie and I am an MS1 at UCI.

Throughout my undergraduate years, I was actively involved in tutoring and mentoring organizations, and I’m excited to continue providing support as a medical student. Having attended a large university with minimal pre-med advising, I relied heavily on online sources and advice from my peers. I truly believe that Guiding Hands is an invaluable resource for pre-med students at UCI, offering centralized information and mentorship from students who were recently in their shoes.

Beyond Guiding Hands, I am actively involved in a free clinic, clinical research, and a few specialty interest groups. In my free time, I enjoy swimming, creating art, playing games, and learning how to gym!


What do we do?

Fight Misinformation

Medicine is a challenging path, but along the way, there’s all sorts of misinformation out there (cough… r/premed…). We’re here to help you navigate.

Host Social Events

We host a number of events throughout the year to socialize with our mentors. See below for upcoming events!

Help you find your passions

Our primary focus is to prevent people from falling down the wrong paths. We aim to inspire you to find your true passions and callings and contribute to healthcare and society meaningfully.

Pair you with a mentor

Mentorship can be a key part of your development during your four years. Join us in our annual mentor-mentee pairing in the Fall.

Publish in our Journal

Our journal is an outlet for our medical students to write creative pieces on all things premed, medical school, and life.

Upcoming Events

Mentor Mentee Social

4/25 6-7 PM

Guiding Hands will be holding a social at the Medical Education patio! We will be providing a tour of the SOM campus and food.

836 Health Sciences Rd, Ivine, CA 92617

Fill out the RSVP form to attend.

Zoom Q & A panel

4/30/24 5-6 PM

The team will be hosting a Zoom meeting to answer any and all questions.

Fill out the RSVP form to attend.

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